Abaco ['äbɑkou]: to øer, Store Abaco og Lille Abaco, i nordlige del af Bahama-øerne; ca. 2000 km², ca. 6500 indbyggere.

Abaco, which is located in the Bahamas, is a true world class sailing destination, and is located less than 200 miles East of Florida. The mainland of Abaco is lined with a string of outer cays that run north and south. These cays protect the miles and miles of turquoise waters off of the mainland, making them safe to explore. This particular area is known as the Sea of Abaco, and is referred to as the sailing capital of the Bahamas. Here, the trade winds are steady, and private secluded anchorages are plentiful.
Abaco boasts numerous beaches, coves, and islands to explore. The reef network, which serves as a barrier for the outer cays, is known to be the third largest in the northern hemisphere. Stretching nearly 100 miles, this natural wonder should be taken advantage of. Snorkeling and Scuba diving is a must, as the underwater wildlife is very diverse and colourful. Abaco offers many dive sites, which are perfect for the beginner or experienced diver.
Planning a sailing vacation in the Bahamas is easier than most would think. If you plan to charter, you can bareboat with general sailing experience, or relax while enjoying a captained excursion. With a captain, learn the ropes while on vacation, and take advantage of his local knowledge. This knowledge will able you to explore the path less traveled. Travelers can also take advantage of Abaco by bringing their personal sailboat to cruise the area.
Abaco offers modern conveniences, such as grocery stores, marinas, hotels, and the internet, without losing the old world charm and warmth of the islands. Each island in the chain offers something different, whether it is the landscape, beaches, restaurants, activities, or local people. A sailing vacation within the sea of Abaco gives you the opportunity to explore and experience each individual cay. Since you are not stuck in one location, you will have complete freedom to sail into a new anchorage every night. People tend to fall in love with the area, or even a particular cay, and return year after year to vacation.
The Bottom line is, when planning how and where to base your sailing vacation, consider what the unique water and cays of Abaco can offer. The key is doing plenty of research and making preparations. Planning the perfect sailing vacation is not hard -- it just takes a little time and effort. In the end, it will all pay off, and you will have many memories that will last a lifetime.
Start planning your sailing vacation in the Abacos. With a little research, you are one step closer to being surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, and relaxing on the turquoise water. Learn more about the cays and visit Hope Town, Elbow Cay and Great Guana Cay in the Abacos.

Aerial View of the lot / Übersichtskarte des Grundstücks

Beach 50m from the lot / Strand 50m entfernt vom Grundstück

Beach 50m from the lot / Strand 50m entfernt vom Grundstück

Abaco Waves / Wellen der Abaco Insel

Abaco Island / Abaco Insel

Abaco Snorkeling/Scuba Diving / Schnorcheln/Tauchen auf Abaco